Speed up our growth research has shown that caffeine ingestion prior to our workouts not only enhances our muscle contractions but can also enable us to perform more reps by altering our pain thresholds and our perception of how hard we’re working as for how much of a benefit you can expect a recent analysis found little to no benefit of caffeine ingestion on strength or the amount of weight you’re able to lift in an exercise but did find quite a significant and consistent effect on muscular endurance and the number of reps you’re able to perform on average caffeine ingestion enabled subjects to perform around two to three more reps per set leading to about a ten to twenty percent boost in their total arrest performed in their workout as a result researchers speculate that these effects likely speed up growth over time due to the increased volume that subjects are able to achieve by ingesting caffeine prior to their workouts however the benefits that we see with caffeine supplementation seem to favor lower body workouts more than upper body workouts likely because they’re just generally more strenuous and require more effort and we also see a greater effect when it’s used during early morning workouts if you’re not accustomed to doing them as well as during workouts where your sleep deprived from a poor night’s sleep the night